Sunday, April 1, 2007

Hanging with the Hubby

We are trying to kick back and recover this evening from the non-stop weekend we've had. Each of the events we chose to participate in was worthwhile, there were just too darned many of them in too short of a time period for us to enjoy the weekend as a whole. We've vowed to reserve much more downtime in the coming weekends.

Just this evening I started coming down with my fourth respiratory infection in three months--I thought I had broken the cycle, but I guess I caught the virus from my drippy-nosed son. He's very sweet, but a bastion of germs, to be sure. I guess I've been shortchanging my already overtaxed immune system by denying myself adequate rest.

I intended to work out this evening, but the headache, sore throat, fever, fatigue are getting the best of me tonight. We climbed in bed to watch "Lost" on the DVR, hubby brought me a mug of raspberry tea and a Reese's peanut butter egg. Mmmm.

Now I'm listening to my weekly conference call for work --I'm a part-time financial coach (and a part-time stay at home mom--hey--I could use a weekly motivational conference call for that job too)--while making this entry, so I'm multi-tasking, and who doesn't these days? In fact our bible study topic tonight was ironically called "Routine Panic." It was about living our lives at too hectic of a pace, which certainly characterized this weekend, if not the last ten days in our household!

The conference call is a good one tonight, but if it doesn't end soon, hubby may sleep instead of resuming "Lost" with me. OK--it's over now. TV time. That's it for tonight.

Overscheduled in Suburbia

This is one crazy weekend--we are going from one activity to the next with barely enough time to drive from place to place--exactly what we try to avoid when we plan our weekends. It just seems that a lot of events that we couldn't control--Preschool Parents Group Easter party, a friend's baby shower, church music ministry potluck, hosting our bible study group etc.--were scheduled tightly together. Add that to a haircut (I felt bold and freed myself of four inches--thank you Patty and Deanine for the suggestion), a visit from my parents who took us to dinner at Chili's (hooray for gluten free, Weight Watchers-friendly yummy Margarita Grilled Chicken), a car repair, and this is the first time I feel like I can relax. Whew!

My husband, Tom, and I made two huge pans of gluten free lasagna tonight before coming up to bed--one for the music ministry potluck, and the other for bible study. We'll end up eating it for two meals tomorrow, but we love it. No one else but the three of us will be attending both events, so it just seemed to make sense to save time by making twice as much of the same entree instead of making two separate meals. The sauce is semi-homemade instead of completely from scratch because I didn't get home from the grocery store until 10:20 or so. We finished around midnight, though, which is pretty impressive--what a fabulous culinary team we make!

I wish I had found time to go to the gym today, but I need to sleep. I have to teach a class at church tomorrow morning for the first time. I just finished the preparations now and allowed myself the indulgence of making an entry here. I'm going to try to do one daily, if I can.

I scrapbooked last night at Cord Camera and brought a lot of friends--we had a group of 13 registered and 10 showed up. Many of them will be coming to church to scrap again on Tuesday. Most of us didn't get much done last night, but we had fun, and that's what counts the most. We measure our productivity and output in so many other areas of life that I don't want to taint my hobby time by imposing those kinds of expectations. I did that in the beginning and I promptly insisted that I cease and desist. I've been quite compliant and much happier ever since I got strict with myself about this. I preach it to others, too, when they try to get down on themselves for talking and not making enough progress. If we enjoy ourselves and get out of the house without any kids in tow, we should consider it a huge success!

Well, Tom is snoring loudly in bed next to me, and the alarm goes off in less than six hours. Time to call it a night.

Friday, March 30, 2007

A Deep Breath

My family is now out the door--I think the door just closed for the last time after several trips back in for forgotten cereal and coffee and misc. items. We have an overscheduled weekend coming up all the way from tonight through Sunday night, but I think I"m going to allow myself the luxury of a prolonged, proverbial deep breath or two before diving into making a pre-weekend To Do List. Ahhhh.

Today is a rare toddler-free Friday. I usually have Connor in day care Monday and Thursday, but our 7 year old niece, Lindsey, was visiting for three nights this week during her spring break, so I kept Connor home on Monday and sent him today instead. I'll miss him having him gone two days in a row, but I can use the break and need to get some stuff done after having Lindsey here much of the week and before the hectic weekend on the horizon.


Thursday, March 29, 2007

Begginner's Bloggings

Inspiration has struck in the way of a 24 year old actress in NYC. I happened upon her blog and decided to start my own--thank you, and Happy Birthday, Laura !

Oops--I just heard the garage door open and I have no idea what I am making for dinner--better go for now, but a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step (horribly cliche', I know, but appropriate here).