My family is now out the door--I think the door just closed for the last time after several trips back in for forgotten cereal and coffee and misc. items. We have an overscheduled weekend coming up all the way from tonight through Sunday night, but I think I"m going to allow myself the luxury of a prolonged, proverbial deep breath or two before diving into making a pre-weekend To Do List. Ahhhh.

Today is a rare toddler-free Friday. I usually have Connor in day care Monday and Thursday, but our 7 year old niece, Lindsey, was visiting for three nights this week during her spring break, so I kept Connor home on Monday and sent him today instead. I'll miss him having him gone two days in a row, but I can use the break and need to get some stuff done after having Lindsey here much of the week and before the hectic weekend on the horizon.
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