This week's variation on the theme of funny things that come out of our kids' mouths is the things they say that embarrass us.
One of my favorites happened when our son, Connor, now age four, was nearly three. Connor, having been nursed until just before his second birthday, is a little “breast obsessed”. He still remembers what it was like to nurse and periodically asks Mommy why he can no longer nurse. I typically answer that nursing is for babies, and Connor is a big boy now, and also tell him that there isn’t any milk left in my breasts. Shortly after he was weaned, he used to talk about refilling my breasts with milk and would try to use his sippie cup or a water bottle to refill them so that he could nurse again. I would tell him that it wouldn’t work, that God is the one who fills mommies’ breasts with milk for their babies to drink.
We were over at our friend’s house shortly after she had a new baby, and Connor noticed that she was nursing her infant. He exclaimed, “Look Mama! God filled Shell’s breasts up with milk! Isn’t that great?” I tried to ignore him, which only made him repeat it louder and louder until I acknowledged that it was, indeed wonderful that God had filled Michelle’s breasts with milk.
Out of the mouths of babes, right?
haha that is so funny, little kids say the funniest things sometimes.
What a cute story. That is sweet.
I love his costume. He is one cute kiddo!
Kids are so literal sometimes! That is hilarious. He's adorable :-)
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